A strong pelvic floor is the central factor for most appropriate pelvic functions. Weak vaginal muscles (vaginal laxity) can result from a malfunctioning pelvic floor.
Common Symptoms & Concerns
- Feeling of wide/loose vagina
- Decreased sexual satisfaction or gratification
- Decreased sensation or friction with sexual intercourse
- Large vaginal opening or problems with tampons falling out
About Weak Vaginal Muscles
A strong pelvic floor is the central factor for most appropriate pelvic functions. Maintenance of proper orientation during activity, providing support to core functions, maintaining urinary continence, maintaining fecal continence, and maintenance of appropriate sexual function are all key functions of the pelvic floor.
A malfunctioning pelvic floor can result in pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pressure sensation, vaginal prolapse, and vaginal laxity (loose sensation). Pelvic floor conditioning is addressed from a multidisciplinary approach utilizing physical therapy, chiropractic specialists, physicians and nurse practitioners. Together we are able to improve this vital aspect of successful care for pelvic conditions.