Our Distinctive Advantage: Knowledge, Training, and Experience
In recent years, pelvic surgeries like prolapse repair, vaginoplasty, and labiaplasty have become associated with "plastic" surgery. The thinking is that if it looks okay, it is okay. That's really not how a woman's body works.
Women are incredibly complex beings. Consider the range of jobs this group of nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and organs can accomplish ... including pregnancy, birth, voiding, and pleasure. Everything is interconnected. Any time surgery is attempted, this complexity must be part of the understanding.
Dr. Ashford is board-certified as both an OBGYN and a Urogynecologist - a specialist in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. While he has terrific aesthetic capabilities, his strength as a surgeon rests with his complete knowledge of the system that forms the female pelvis. From labiaplasty to complex vaginal reconstruction, Dr. Ashford has a proven ability to achieve the outcomes women want – not only visually, but functionally.
We have included a sample of before and after images of surgical restorations by Dr. Ashford. We recognize the sensitive nature of the images and recommend using your discretion.
Before and After
In most circumstances, Labiaplasty refers to the remodeling of the inner "lips" - the labia minora. The photos shown here are of that procedure.
Dr. Ashford does perform other surgical work on the labia minora and labia majora including labia majora augmentation and labia majora reduction.
Exceptional Results with Combination Treatments
Some women get the best results when two or more procedures are combined at the same time. Dr. Ashford can make this determination at your initial consultation.
In addition, a unique offering by Dr. Ashford is Multimodality Full Compartment Vaginoplasty. To achieve an absolutely outstanding outcome, Dr. Ashford combines FemiLift, Vaginoplasty, and Pelvic Floor Muscle Conditioning. Each of these procedures on its own has great results, but in Dr. Ashford's experience, when combined the result is unparalleled.
Labia Majora Augmentation (Fat Transfer)
This procedure is requested when women want to restore the labia majora to a more youthful appearance. To accomplish this, Dr. Ashford transfers a woman's own fat cells to the labia majora. This process eliminates sagging skin and improves both fullness and firmness.
Before and After
Vaginal rejuvenation (vaginoplasty) is the strengthening of the vaginal structure. While it may be performed at the same time as labiaplasty, it is a different procedure.
Vulvar Lightening and Tightening:
Before and After
Although darkening of the genital areas is normal with time and aging, it is very common for women to seek options to lighten genitals. Often treatments such as laser lightening and tighteningare combined for maximum results. The lightening procedure requires a number of treatments over a period of time with incremental results.
Extreme Vaginal Reconstruction:
Before and After
Prolapse Repair - also called Surgical Repair of Female Genital Prolapse - is an extremely technical surgery requiring specific training, knowledge and skills.
Dr. Ashford routinely performs these intricate surgeries. With his advanced knowledge and expertise that go beyond simple aesthetics, Dr. Ashford is uniquely qualified to provide surgical assistance to women who undergo genital surgery of any kind.
FGM Reversal
FGM refers to the cultural practice of removing some or all of a woman's external genitalia. This often interferes with normal bodily functions of women and girls.
Dr. Melvin Ashford is experienced in FGM Reversal - the reconstructive process that restores a woman's body and its natural functions.
Special Case Reports:
Before and After
In the course of his work, Dr. Ashford sees patients with unusual symptoms – women who require exceptional surgical skill for a wide range of conditions. With his gift for surgery and knowledge of female anatomy, Dr. Ashford is able to restore health and function in a wide range of circumstances.
Detached Labia, Multiple Repairs
T.S is a patient who previously had a vulvar cyst removal by an outside surgeon years ago. She presented to Dr. Ashford with a left labia that was detached from the superior edge, a large “cavity” and opening that was 4cm deep into her left vulva and posterior vaginal defects. A vaginoplasty, left labiaplasty and excision/revision of left labia defect was performed.